Gemstones - Imperial and Precious Topaz

All the Imperial/Precious Topaz below is from the world famous Ouro Preto Mine in Minas Gerais, Brasil.

large natural pink topaz - ouro preto
We were fortunate to find such a nice precision faceted 6.53ct Natural Imperial Pink Topaz (Certed!) originally mined in Ouro Preto decades ago. The cutter of this piece is a Well-Known Multi-Award Winning Cutter whose work is in museums. Pink Topaz of any size is quite rare and this is considered to be a large one! Clean, properly faceted, high polish all mean that this is an important gemstone! (ggc-24b-01) $16,325 This is only $2500/ct, which was the price of a 5.02ct Pink Topaz in one of the main Tucson Gem and Mineral Shows in 2018, and that was in 2018 and for a smaller gemstone!!!)
View AGL Cert
large ouro preto imperial topaz
One has to be very lucky to encounter a Fine Quality Colored Ouro Preto IMPERIAL Topaz now. Large pieces just don't exist. Very rare to find larger crystals and typically they are far from clean and therefore, they are more mineral specimens and not for cutting gemstones. However, some larger crystals might have a section of clarity in the center and that was the case of this piece. It was purchased by a friend/associate of ours decades ago and he found a clean section that allowed him to facet this almost 20ct gem! The cutter is known as being a Multi-Award Winner, winning another prestigious award just this year from AGTA for his entry into the Cutting Edge Awards Competition. His work is also on display in a museum in Tucson. This 19.45ct Pear Shaped Imperial Topaz is entirely clean and has been precision faceted by the cutter; perfection in cutting and the polish only enhances this gem as the facets act as mirrors and reflects light on the surface while light is reflected internally! In Tucson 2024, with dealer from around the world, the owner of All That Glitters walked all the shows looking for anything equivalent in this size. Only one gemstone of 18.84ct was found; the next closest was 14.94cts. The prices were actually displayed along with these gems - our price on the All That Glitters Website is essentially the price offered to the trade. We have a price of Only $2100/ct on this massively large Ouro Preto Imperial Topaz. We would expect a markup to be between 50-100% in a retail store. (ggc-24a-04) $25233
View AGL Prestige Cert
imperial topaz - ouro preto
A 3.43ct Imperial Topaz from Ouro Preto. The price of fine Topaz has gone up over the past few years. It is difficult to find quality rough. This is a real beauty having the hint of peach, some pink and orange body color, and it is a nice shape for a ring or pendant. (bzmgm-24-01) $5145
large Ukrainian topaz
40.48ct Marquise Shaped Ukrainian Natural Topaz - Orange to Smoky Orange depending on available lights. We were extremely lucky to find two pieces of Ukrainian Brandy to Smoky Orange to Orange Colored Topaz Rough which one of our Specialty Cutters faceted and created this unique Marquise shape - not far from an oval and at first glance it does indeed look like an oval. This is a large gemstone for an Orangy Topaz. This material is known as coming from this one area of the world and this Topaz is known to change color to blue while the crystal is growing, and therefore, you will frequently see this material faceted in emerald cuts where part of the gemstone is a very light blue and the other half is this unique pleasing color. These Bicolored Topaz tends to be in large sizes as the blue is very light so the larger/deeper the stone, the more noticeable the blue. We encountered this material being sold by a Ukrainian and just had to have both pieces that were available - one of the reasons was that there was an example of this color of Topaz faceted and we thought the color, the size and polish were all attractive and definitely desired to have our cutters work their magic on this available rough. We have never had this color of Topaz in our inventory during our numerous decades in business. This was a must have! Also, at this time, supporting those in the Ukraine was also a consideration. There are some very small inclusions (pinpoints) but they are so small and the stone is exceptionally large and therefore really has no affect on the brillance, the gem or the price! (mnrlks-24-01b) $3238

hough this material did not originate in another famous deposit of orangy Topaz (Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brasil), it also doesn’t have the price of over $1000/ct wholesale associated with a fine orange gem weighing about 19ct from this locality, which we were seeking and did indeed find only one within all the thousands of dealers at the Tucson Show in 2024. We got a great yield/return from the rough to this faceted gem – this color shifting gem is selling at only $80/ct, which is about what the trade price was in Tucson as seen with the one dealer we encountered that had this very special material available in a few pieces of rough as well as one faceted gem. Yes, we saw the faceted gem and had to buy two pieces of rough to have our specialty cutter perform magic and create the two faceted gemstones we currently have and are offering! (We thought the color was unique and beautiful and this material takes a high polish. Just had to have this material in the All That Glitters Collection!)
GIA recently published an article of this very Topaz location in the Ukraine. You can see the color of the above Topaz in some of the photos showing the bicolor nature of this deposit, being a light blue and typically this light orangy sherry color. In the case of our gemstones, the rough was all orangy vs. having blue, and you can see that the saturation of our gemstones is superior to the light versions shown in the photos. Read the GIA article below and View the Photos - as noted, this material is in demand and this color is not commonly seen - in fact, there was only one dealer that had the rough and a faceted gemstone of this color available in all of those dealers we visited at the Tucson Show in 2024.
Ukrainian Pegmatitic Heliodor and Topaz
Below is a screen grab of an an orangy topaz sold at auction in 2024 by a well-knmown aucton house, where we have also sold a number of our items, where they actually sold for far more than the original asking price on our website!. This is described as having a GIA cert, with the following description: "Stone is clean and displays very minor nicks on pavilion and minute surface reaching inclusion on girdle." This sold for $625 - The commission paid by the successful high bidder, was 30%, so the gemstone cost $813 in total, not including shipping/insurance. The total price per carat would be approximately $165/ct when one calculates the total paid and the carat weight. Since this is a smaller gemstone, a larger gemstone of this same species would be far more per carat due to rarity of finding the rough and is a general rule of thumb for natural and less common gemstone species. We can guarantee that the cutting of the All That Glitters gemstone above is far superior to this one sold at auction and we believe the color of our gemstone is better; it also possess an interesting color shift depending on light/wavelengths available. That being said, we have this at about 50% less than this auction item! As always, we try to purchase as close to the source of the rough as possible and our goal is to be able to offer gemstones at below wholesale prices, at wholesale prices or between wholesale and retail prices for those difficult to obtain pieces where we sometimes have to pay more to obtain what we desire. Another All That Glitters Bargain!
large Ukrainian topaz
48.20ct Lively Ukrainian Topaz (Oval) - Orange to Smoky Orange depending on lighting. Very similar to the above gemstone in all ways - just a few carats larger and in an oval shape. We were extremely lucky to find two pieces of Ukrainian Brandy to Smoky Orange to Orange Colored Topaz Rough which one of our Specialty Cutters faceted to create this stunning oval. This is a large gemstone for an Orangy Topaz. This material is known as coming from this one area of the world and this Topaz is known to change color to blue while the crystal is growing, and therefore, you will frequently see this material faceted in emerald cuts where part of the gemstone is a very light blue and the other half is this unique pleasing color. These Bicolored Topaz tends to be in large sizes as the blue is very light so the larger/deeper the stone, the more noticeable the blue. We encountered this material being sold by a Ukrainian and just had to have both pieces that were available - one of the reasons was that there was an example of this color of Topaz faceted and we thought the color, the size and polish were all attractive and definitely desired to have our cutters work their magic on this available rough. We have never had this color of Topaz in our inventory during our numerous decades in business. This was a must have! Also, at this time, supporting those in the Ukraine was also a consideration. There are some very small inclusions (pinpoints) but they are so small and the stone is exceptionally large and therefore really has no affect on the brillance, the gem or the price! (mnrlks-24-01a) $3856

Though this material did not originate in another famous deposit of orangy Topaz (Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brasil), it also doesn’t have the price of over $1000/ct wholesale associated with a fine orange gem weighing about 19ct from this locality, which we were seeking and did indeed find only one within all the thousands of dealers at the Tucson Show in 2024. We got a great yield/return from the rough to this faceted gem – this color shifting gem is selling at only $80/ct, which is about what the trade price was in Tucson as seen with the one dealer we encountered that had this very special material available in a few pieces of rough as well as one faceted gem. Yes, we saw the faceted gem and had to buy two pieces of rough to have our specialty cutter perform magic and create the two faceted gemstones we currently have and are offering! (We thought the color was unique and beautiful and this material takes a high polish. Just had to have this material in the All That Glitters Collection!)
GIA recently published an article of this very Topaz location in the Ukraine. You can see the color of the above Topaz in some of the photos showing the bicolor nature of this deposit, being a light blue and typically this light orangy sherry color. In the case of our gemstones, the rough was all orangy vs. having blue, and you can see that the saturation of our gemstones is superior to the light versions shown in the photos. Read the GIA article below and View the Photos - as noted, this material is in demand and this color is not commonly seen - in fact, there was only one dealer that had the rough and a faceted gemstone of this color available in all of those dealers we visited at the Tucson Show in 2024.
Ukrainian Pegmatitic Heliodor and Topaz
Below is a screen grab of an an orangy topaz sold at auction in 2024 by a well-knmown aucton house, where we have also sold a number of our items, where they actually sold for far more than the original asking price on our website!. This is described as having a GIA cert, with the following description: "Stone is clean and displays very minor nicks on pavilion and minute surface reaching inclusion on girdle." This sold for $625 - The commission paid by the successful high bidder, was 30%, so the gemstone cost $813 in total, not including shipping/insurance. The total price per carat would be approximately $165/ct when one calculates the total paid and the carat weight. Since this is a smaller gemstone, a larger gemstone of this same species would be far more per carat due to rarity of finding the rough and is a general rule of thumb for natural and less common gemstone species. We can guarantee that the cutting of the All That Glitters gemstone above is far superior to this one sold at auction and we believe the color of our gemstone is better; it also possess an interesting color shift depending on light/wavelengths available. That being said, we have this at about 50% less than this auction item! As always, we try to purchase as close to the source of the rough as possible and our goal is to be able to offer gemstones at below wholesale prices, at wholesale prices or between wholesale and retail prices for those difficult to obtain pieces where we sometimes have to pay more to obtain what we desire. Another All That Glitters Bargain!
precious topaz ouro preto
A Precious Topaz from the major and most important deposit for Precious/Imperial Topaz - Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brasil. This bright golden yellow oval weighs 2.93cts and measures approx 8x10mm. A lively brilliant gemstone that is clean. The November Birthstone! The fine material only comes from this one location in the world and that is in the vicinity of Ouro Preto. The town is known for its churches and is part of UNESCO. This would make a wonderful pendant or ring and since it is a calibrated size, it will easily fit into a ring mounting with an 8x10mm Oval opening, saving you money in the setting! You can also use the All That Glitters Jewelers Showcase to find a setting or modify one to create your very own ring/design should you chose to go that route. (ramcam-23-01b) $1100

Note that the image of the pendant below is of a similar Topaz, purchased at the same time as this one for sale, and the customer used the All That Glitters Jewelers Showcase to set it into a 14kt Yellow Gold Pendant with a 10pt SI1/SI2 G/H Diamond at the top! You can do the same or design anything you want using our services.
precious topaz ouro preto pendant
custom imperial topaz pendant with sapphires
"Fall in New England", Inspired by the Changing Leaves and the Masterful Color Display in Nature.

A Collaboration in Gems, Design, Precious Metal: All That Glitters/Katzenbach Designs

4.30ct Flame Shaped Red-Orange Topaz, Ouro Preto (Minas Gerais, Brasil); AGTA - N
(Topaz includes variations of Orange, Red, Peach and Melon and is
Accented/Enhanced by the Autumnal Colors of the Sapphire Suite)

131 Round Red/Orange/Yellow Sapphire Suite weighing a total of 3.27cts; ATGA - H

18kt Royal Yellow Gold

Comes with an 18" Black Leather Cord with 14kt Lobster Claw Clasp
(multi-wired gold chain was damaged in the Spectrum Award judging)

One of the many entries into the AGTA Spectrum Awards Contest - 2018!

Price Available Upon Request

AGTA 2018 Spectrum Awards Judging Card

custom imperial topaz pendant with sapphires
Pendant on Black

CAD-CAM Rendering for custom imperial topaz pendant with sapphires
CAD-CAM Early Rendering

CAD-CAM Rendering for custom imperial topaz pendant with sapphires
CAD-CAM Later Rendering

CAD-CAM Rendering for custom imperial topaz pendant with sapphires
CAD-CAM Rendition - Side View Showing Tiers

casting for custom imperial topaz pendant with sapphires
Completed Casting Ready for Gem Setting

concave faceted imperial topaz
This began as a 35+ct Ouro Preto (Minas, Gerais, Brasil) doubly terminated Topaz crystal. The resulting faceted gemstone weighs 5.46cts. Faceted by our newest cutter, who created the v-grooves by hand. Color is a light apricot or peach, with some darker variation depending on how the gemstone is oriented. (ewlap-15-01) $7508
We posted this Topaz on Facebook to show off the color and cutting, and it was shared among a number of individuals as well as groups. The following are just a few comments: Awesome!; I see spun honey!!!; Gorgeous honey color; One of a kind... honeycomb full of honey.
Someone in the know will probably pick this up for their collection or a piece of jewelry - won't last long!
More Gems from the Vault - 30+ years old! Priced to Move at mid-1980s Pricing...
topaz parcel
Topaz Parcel (Ouro Preto, Brasil) (gem-31-12) 2.59cts - $440
precious topaz
Imperial Topaz 1.39ct Oval (tpz-06-01) $549
precious topaz
1.36ct Oval Imperial/Precious Topaz (ncco-91-02) $549

Note: Magnification and bright lighting is required to photograph gemstones.  Some inclusions may be visible under these circumstances. You are viewing photographs as if you were using a loupe or microscope - not your unaided eye.  Under normal conditions, these inclusions may not be visible.

Not responsible for mismatches of prices, photos, stocknumbers, etc.

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We continue to utilize Square (Credit Card, Cash App, ACH), Zelle, Venmo, popmoney, Wise and other services/applications, as well as Personal/Bank Checks, Wire Transfers and Bank to Bank ACH if your bank is capable of that. We are always seeking additional options which would be reliable, safe and user friendly.

Contact us via Phone, Email or use our Intent To Purchase Form to discuss payment. Square, Zelle, Venmo, Popmoney and Wise links are below. Square is similar to PayPal, but an account is not required; Zelle is bank account to bank account; Venmo is bank account to bank account but one can use a debit card as well as a credit card with an associated charge for using a credit card; Popmoney is also bank account to bank account; Wise (formerly Transferwise) is typically for International Transactions/Foregin Currency but also works within the United States.

NOTE - For those who must utilize PayPal, we can provide an invoice or have funds sent to a PayPal account we have access to. There will be a 3% charge for this service, which PayPal charges - regardless of whether the item is returned. This is PayPal's mandate as of October 2019 - the only payment application that we are aware of that will not return their fee if an item is returned. We no longer offer PayPal as a standard payment option...
For Square payments using credit cards, there will be a 3.5% charge due to fees incurred. Square allows ACH payments at a 1% Fee.
Venmo payments have no fees if your Venmo balance or bank accounts are used for payments. There will be a 3.5% charge if using credit cards with Venmo due to fees incurred.

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You may also telephone or send an email: Contact All That Glitters