Customers Comments on an Alexandrite-Effect Color Change Garnet purchased from All That Glitters:
I finally have some time to let you know that I received my order, the "Alexandrite-like" color change garnet. I was absolutely "floored" when I saw it! I put it to the test with my few Alexandrites that I have, and it put some of them "to shame". Like I told you on the phone, I only have one room in the house, the basement bathroom, where I can see the maximum color change effects. This stone is surely a WOW! I will be in touch with you in the near future to find another one, a little larger next time. I hope the quantity and quality last for quite a while. I have one question, if you have the time to answer it. Is this the pyrospessartite genus of garnet? If not, than what is its name? Thank you for your help, and the stone.
J.S.G Fair Lawn, NJ
This relatively recent find of garnet is unlike most other 'color change' garnets that have made their way to market in the past. Most other 'color change' garnet is a "color shifting" garnet, typically going from a reddish orange to iced tea or root beer color - not the green to purple of natural alexandrite which came out of Brasil back in 1987. The color change from green to purple is a true color change. This new find of garnet from Africa, as well as Sri Lanka, is a true color change garnet and is therefore reminiscent of Alexandite; color change garnet of this type is even more rare than Alexandrite. Color change occurs because of the transmission/absorption characterics of an element and the available wavelengths of light. For example, chromium and vanadium are thought to cause the color change in Alexandrite when the stone is moved from an incandescent light source to a fluorescent light source. You will see distinct changes in color with this garnet when the stone is taken from an incadescent light (light bulb) to a flurorescent light or to a window (or outside) - typical of Alexandrite also.
We have only been able to obtain small parcels of this material, typically no more than 10cts at one time. The sizes are relatively 0.25ct to 0.50cts - some may be up to 2ct, but this is rare and the prices are very high for larger stones (Approx 2000/ct). We feel this new find is unique and can actually put natural Alexandrite to shame for several reasons. This new naturally occurring garnet is far cleaner than Alexandrite, has a better color change and is also typically cut better than those natural Alexandrites coming out of Brasil, Russia or Africa. The biggest advantage is the price. A natural 0.50ct Alexandrite will sell for thousands of dollars if good in clarity, color change and cutting - this new garnet with all the same characterics will sell for the low price of only about $300. If the deposit is fairly small, consider that prices will increase dramatically. The size of the deposit is unkown. Since we deal with numerous countries in an attempt to purchase both gemstones and rough, we were one of the first dealers to offer this material. We have been selling this material to stores, TV shopping networks and other wholesalers.
This is a rare opportunity, don't miss out.
Some of the stones are listed below, note that there may be others. This is the East African material and there is also some Sri Lankan material, also from a very new fine. The Sri Lankan material contains a few larger pieces. Both countries have produced similar material, but the Sri Lanka material has a more pure hue of colors and they were faceted by our cutters. Both supplies essentially are not producing as of the time of this update. Call for more details or if there are any questions!
We have been able to obtain a small supply of color change garnets from the Tunduru area of Africa. Note that we do have have a few more pieces available. Check our Individual Stone Inventory List (see the Inventory Link below). Also, we have a parcel of similar material whose origin is Sri Lanka (ovals).
Just a sample of some of the pieces available at the time this page was created:
Ct Weight Shape
======== =========
0.28ct Oval
0.32ct Oval
0.34ct Oval
0.41ct Oval
0.44ct Pear
0.46ct Pear
0.49ct Oval
0.52ct Pear
0.66ct Oval
You can search our text database/inventory list for these
Species = Garnet; Type = Alexandrite-Like
For other color changing Garnets, you can search the
inventory list for:
Species = Garnet; Type = Color Changing
Species = Garnet; Type = Color Shifting
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Single Stones >
To see Color Change/Color Shifting Garnets that have been photographed, visit our Color Change Garnet Photo Page:
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